1 tsp dry yeast incomplete
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp white wine
4 tbsp olive oil
3 cups white flour
2 handfuls of olives
1 bunch spring onions
1 tbsp sea salt
1 tbsp rosemary

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In 200 ml slightly warm water put yeast, salt, wine and olive oil. Gradually add flour. Knead into a soft dough and leave in a warm place to rise. The risen dough is formed with greased hands of a rectangle. Sprinkle with sea salt and small-sized onion coarsely chopped olives. Turn at the roll, put it in a greased baking dish with butter and pripleskva to get an oval shape with a thickness of 1 cm. Surface made with thumb grooves smeared with a little olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and crushed rosemary. Bake at 250 C 15-20 minutes. Check with a toothpick. I'm doing another stuffing, cheese, mushrooms, green onions and tomatoes (diced - only the flesh), oregano, basil, olives, salt.
5 users
Culinary Journal number 5/2010
looks very appetizing. Here's an idea for a rest day - will surprise them home with Focaccia (but only if you roll up to go somewhere on a picnic :) - just kidding). Just imagined this bread with tomato and cheese on a meadow.
Ive, tomorrow I go to the picnic, I hope it does not rain, you got up early and will mix it and I presented her with tomato and cheese on the lawn, and will put in a basket and bottle of white wine. Thank you for your proposal. Today your ideological are superb. Congratulations. Rating tomorrow after pitnika if it does not rain.
Thank you girls, I hope you like it. Tomatoes cut into small cubes and remove the seeds required. I hope it does not rain tomorrow :)
became the top, even today I will do it. Thanks
Ive Focaccia is great. But there is a problem, my husband wants each day this bread instead of store-bought bread. Magic is taste. I added a little Winter savory, basil and fenugreek, and one put Cheese and cheese. It is very tasty. The rating is EXCELLENT 6. Well of pitnik did not go, because it is dark times, but Focaccia is top. THANK YOU
And here's a photo of Focaccia with cheese, tomato, oregano and basil. My sister today: Kakichkoo will you do with the bread stuffing :) And I thank you girls for trusting my recipe.
made in the version Focaccia with tomatoes and other goodies. Aprodismenti for i4eto3421. It was fantastic. Put a picture.
:) Applause
Today I made Focaccia with tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and savory. In the dough put 2 tablespoons tomato cream soup powder. The recipe is unique. Ive Blagodrya you!
Great picture melek. I liked the idea of tomato soup powder.
And I like the idea of a tomato cream soup. Can put and mushroom.
Today we're back Focaccia in this recipe. Only swapped white wine with beer.
How is beer?
It is very nice and beer. Does not change the taste. Even the aroma of the beer is gone. Extra is - quiet substitutions as you have no wine.
This time I made with flour, whose packaging says *Ready mixture of rustic bread.* To put stuffing olives, tomatoes and cheese. Was again very tasty. Had only to put it more baking pan to become thinner (so like it more), it is now as bread.
I do not know how to taste, but kind is great.
It is very delicious.
Can you replace sea salt with ordinary?
I always do with it with sea salt. Try, but I think it will become more salty.