Golden balls

Submitted by enr on 01 Apr 2003
400 g flour
100 g margarine
1/2 cup (100 g) powdered sugar
3 yolks
15 g yeast
1 and 1/4 cup (250 ml) milk
1 vanilla powder
pinch of salt
75 g walnuts
3 tbsp raisins
To add sifted flour 1 tbsp sugar, vanilla, 50 g margarine, egg yolk and salt. The yeast was dissolved in tepid milk and is mixed with other products. Involved smooth elastic dough, place in a bowl, sprinkled with flour, cover with a cloth and let rise for about 90 minutes in a warm place. Izmesva well again and rolled into a sheet 1 cm thick. Cut out pieces of walnut, oval in melted margarine and placed next to each other in an oiled form. On each row is dusted powdered sugar mixed with finely chopped walnuts and raisins and optional. Arrange 2-3 rows on each other (fill only half of the form) and the balls are baked in a moderate oven until golden yellow.
0 users
01 Apr 2003
