Healthy baked

Submitted by enr on 14 Oct 2008
500 g broccoli
6 eggs
1/2 cup milk
100 g mushrooms
100 g cheese
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp sunflower oil
In oiled pan with high walls put chopped broccoli and mushrooms, along with the grated cheese and stir. Eggs are broken down with milk and flour, pour over vegetables with cheese. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 45 minutes.
0 users
14 Oct 2008


Magi71 no offense, but what I see in this healthy recipe 6 eggs, it is straight cholesterol bomb.

No offense, everyone has their own opinion. Can a skinny like me useful!

Magi71 course, everyone has their own opinion. And on high cholesterol, it does not matter whether you are weak or complete. The recipe is nice and tasty, just not healthy.

I'll try this recipe, but I think I would put 2-3 pcs. eggs.

recipe is great. Maggie support that is healthy. There is no such thing as *cholesterol*. Each organism or there, or will tend to accumulate cholesterol, whether you thin or fat. The accumulation of cholesterol in the body does not affect the use of eggs (in this case I understand that you have many comments to the eggs in the recipe) is not affected by eating large quantities of meat and anything else (in large quantities). Every human organism cope differently with the absorption of ingested food. And now something for the recipe: the amount of vegetables in my view, meets the number of eggs may need just a little more milk (maybe?!?). These *number 6 eggs* will probably eat a minimum of 4 people, so no problem with *cholesterol*. Bravo, Maggie! Keep up the spirit to our presentation nice recipes of the kind of *simple, easy and simple*, but very tasty. I'm a fan you know !!!

Dari, thank you! Unfortunately, many home not like broccoli.