1 liter of fresh milk
60-70 g starch white (as of 1 liter milk)
10 tbsp sugar
2 yolks
124 g butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 vanilla

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Starch is diluted with a little cold milk. Remaining milk is put to boil with sugar. As a boil milk is added starch at constant stirring until thickened. In a separate bowl mix the butter, egg yolks, powdered sugar and vanilla until creamy. Once cooled down the starch cream is added kremche oil and stir.
1 user
How many grams is starch? '60? Oil guess is 125g packet?
Once milk is 1 l., I guess starch is a packet of 100 g
The oil is 125, while the starch is ordinary. I have never paid attention to how many grams are. I have looked at us and corn is 70 g. Secure and others are so.
I write evaluation. I like creams with starch. Gold I've seen in other stores cut; - a great variety - '60, '70, 90 and 100g. Jump to wonder. Probably all do it for the price.
The pudding is great!