800 g pork
200 g mayonnaise
2 onions
2 carrots
30 ml tomato paste
100 g breadcrumbs
20 ml sunflower oil

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Cut the onions and carrots wheels and distributed in smeared with sunflower oil pots. Cut the meat into pieces, add salt, sprinkle with pepper and spread over the onion. CRISP is gyuvechetata in preheated oven. Stir mayonnaise with tomato puree and pour over the meat. Bake and just before fully ready sprinkle with breadcrumbs and dopicha. Serve with salad or mashed potatoes.
5 users
dish is really tasty, but until now I've always cooked with stale bread crumbs. More delicious Is breadcrumbs?
Well, you know I have not made her crumbs of stale bread and I can not tell you whether breadcrumbs is delicious.
There is no difference between old and bread crumbs, and which will be put to good.
I did everything as per the recipe. Except added to mayonnaise little mustard. Was very tasty. I recommend it to everyone - and is very easy. Good appetite!
Gyuvedzhetata are great! I might napryavih without bread crumbs or bread crumbs crumbs because I had done and my bread was very fresh and couldnt do crumbs. However, it became delicious.
Bravo recipe, looks very tasty, I'll try necessarily :)
dish is just perfect - is very fast and very tasty bread crumbs.
thank you TOTInepremenno will prepare it today.
It sounds easy and delicious, will try ...
can you make up with other meat. such as beef or lamb. I ask because I do not eat pork because it is not useful. And that will be delicious with other meat?
can be made with any meat.
Do not you put some ... liquid such as water or broth as ... I want to dress it because it looks very tasty ... but ...
Easy and delicious but I added it and a little white wine. Became superb.
is awesome! fast, easy and very tasty!
today will try