60 g butter
3 eggs
150 g sugar
120 ml warm milk
50 ml yogurt
550 g flour kozunaks
7 g dry yeast
3 vanilla, lemon juice, lemon peel
sunflower oil

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In the container of the machine is first put the melted butter. In bowl, beat 2 eggs with a fork and 1 egg white with sugar, then add the milk and spices and poured into the container. Then put the sifted flour and finally the yeast. We start the machine program for sweet bread (kozunak) of 750 g, and the crust already set it to your liking. After mixtures nice and rise once - double in volume, removing the container, close the machine to retain heat, but do not turn off, and promptly pour the dough onto a table, which are smeared with hot sunflower oil. Divide dough into 4 parts. Spend away one part, and of each of the other three with oiled sunflower oil in warm hands slightly disheveled and put the filling of chopped Turkish delight and raisins. Roll and twist, then stringing three rolls and put the finished kozunak the container by removing the beaters. Spread the kozunak with remaining 1 egg yolk, sprinkle with sugar and return the container back into the machine to finish the program. The timer will display the order of 1 hour and 50 minutes to 2 hours remaining time (depending on different machines). If the kozunak you against the window (as happened to me) and bake good top unplug it immediately from the container after the program and finish cooking in the oven only top to the desired color. On the other quarter dough you can make muffins or a small kozunak. Let it rise and then bake it in your normal oven. The same products can kneaded the dough by hand and then doubling its volume again on greased with sunflower oil warm desktop split into 3 parts shape three rolls with buttered hands, stuffed with or without stuffing, stringing them and putting them in a round cake form that you thoroughly smeared with margarine or butter. Leave to rise, coated with egg yolk and sprinkle with sugar and bake in a preheated oven at 170C degrees to the desired color. * Thank Veselina Peeva for giving a prescription.
2 users
recipe is Veselina Peeva-girlfriend on Facebook
To mention only the cake that I had sex with flour for cakes of Sofia Mel and Melk merger. The first images are of flour and Sofia Mel is legal in my old machine with 1 stirrer next cake pictures with flour Melk Mergers and legal in my new machine with two mixers and two-times the result is a great-fluffy and thread cake.
My just swell opened the stove and fell uffff
amazing failure. nothing happened.
Ive very sorry that you do not is until now my only failure with this recipe is changed, when the dry yeast instead of the doctor put fresh and also changed flourto..i tuhli..ot then became strictly you keep the recipe and have no know why you received ..
I still do not dare to bake cake in the bakery only interfere and rises. But I want to ask your bakery with long cistern Is it because my cistern is high. Will it work stringing? And another thing - in other recipes put 500 g of flour '10 dry yeast, and only 7 here. Is not it?
cuckoo to my bakery has a long tank, but before that I had another little cistern with 1 stirrer and also his stringing the cake. Stringing is done to become a kovtsi. The other recipe yeast is more because there after kneading and rising of the dough in the machine, then cakes are left to rise outside and they need a little more yeast. Until now I still rules cakes in the machine and I did not have any problems as seen in the pictures. This year reworked the old recipe of my mother in law for cakes for kneading machine and also get very nice dough. I decided to try and bake it in the machine, but to see when it will come my muse.
courage and tried this recipe. Became pretty good, but for my taste was a bit dry and thread, although it twisted. Next time I will try to mass. Rest baked the next day also at the bakery after I warmed and left to rise for about an hour. Also became better. I have a question - can you bake bakery entire dose at once?
cuckoo, I do not think you can izpechesh entire dose in the bakery because it inflates much. Actually I've always wondered why some people behave in the bakery to bake, as in the oven gets very nice color and tan, and the form can select it (in court), otherwise every time the pasta is like a *brick* ... I use it only for kneading. If you want threads of the cake, from experience I can share how it works in a bakery. Include program dough. In principle, active mixing continued for 15-20 minutes, my 20 minutes and pass it off as soon as you hold the button (generally in all bakeries have time to save the current program, so you should keep the knob to avoid waiting time ). Repeat this 2-3 times and then stay to rise. Then landmarks both you and the strings are visible in shaping. Good luck!
It can be roasted whole dose-blank rose much and touched the lid, and the source of the recipe so gave it, but I like you cuckoo wanted to try but did not get. didkapan has a special recipe for batter cakes and buns involved in hebopekarnata..tazi recipe is especially for cake in the baking-I naprime to prepare both, so you save a lot of time. Do not know why I have not received thread-learned through experience that the best are cakes with flour of Sofia Mel particular cakes. As can be seen from the photos I put my cakes are thread. And this Easter cakes half will trust them again in the bakery, we like them, and we are not that picky, and I do not have as purchased. Still, home-no matter where and how kneading and baking.
Far'm not a perfectionist, just prefer hot down homemade, provided that my standards is relatively easy and does not require much time. I admit that in the oven is better, but this extraction and re rising in me comes more and the bakery is more economical from the current. In a conventional oven should visna home at least 3 hours - to twist it and put it second time to rise, to let bake and finally turn off the oven. And the bakery - after 1 hour it twisted and thereafter - to get better. Next time for a change will put the first two times of dough and then - a sweet bread. Thread I read at least 3 posts - that are at: 1. twisting, 2. 2nd rising, 3. use of mass. I do not mourn there a thread or not - just at home and the stairs smell of fresh cake. By looking at how many women have their hands boil edikadesi decent thing and one can not roast - well I'm straight chef. :) Thanks for all the answers. I will soon share - and time already collapsing, and more often will haunt me muse of baking.
cuckoo hihih here's a follower and I am of this principle just thinking how much time I have to do manually cakes and I otyazhdat..zatova and I so any thread without you and you smell like cake and it is legal to pet products without this chemistry is important, but if you check the website I launched and recipe for dough-revised version of kozunaite which made my mother in law, for kneading machine and then has them as you do you want and bake them in the oven ..
mamcheto61, I know' s your recipe for the dough, and there I wrote that the cake with it, but as I said - the oven on and off by itself, nor will test just jump in shape.
Second attempt:Let kneading (the paste) and then - sweet bread. Divided into two 500 g dough after the first batch roast filled cistern. The second was not so successful.
I was angry sweet bread program that lost 15 min. Only to mixed products without seriously confused. Now think about modification - after program not released Pasta Dough program for 1, 5 pm., And after it - 50 min. Baking program.
cuckoo do not know why you put the first program TESTO- I knead and bake directly on the program SWEET HLYaB..i as seen from the pictures became quite successful-only scoot one quarter that otherwise rests on the lid and is lost fatsata ..
recipe is given for guidance and everyone can experiment as it sees fit and I often change recipes so go bold and then share ..