4 egg whites
210 g fine sugar crystals
3-4 drops of lemon juice
pinch of salt
# For Chantilly cream:
300 ml milk
4 yolks
40 g flour
5 tbsp sugar
1 vanilla
200 ml cream mixing
# For garnish:
strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or other fruit of your choice

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Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt for 2-3 minutes Add the sugar and lemon juice and continue stirring the highest level of the mixer until the mixture becomes hard and glossy. Cover the pan in baking paper and pour the mixture tseluvchenata. Form a well in the center and bake at 110C in a preheated oven without fan for about 2 hours and then turn off and without opening the oven leave the cake to doizsushi another 2 hours. While the cake dries prepare your cream. Beat the egg yolks lightly with a stirrer and sugar. Add the flour and vanilla and a bit of milk to mix. Remaining warm milk and gently pour the egg mixture. Stir with wire whisk until mixture thickens. Take away from heat and leave to cool kremcha. From time to time to agitate not formed top crust. Beat the cream of hard snow and a little milk to add the cream until it is mastered completely. Tseluvchenata Fill shell with cream and garnish with fruit to your taste. * I thought that cake is difficult, but it turned out easier than the most ordinary another. In addition, you should dry 4 hours in the oven does not commit you to any other time.
2 users
snowy, very original, beautiful and no doubt delicious cake!
Thank Reni, is really delicious :)
snowy, the cake is great! It is very delicious! It is so light and somehow *air*! I had, however, a problem with tseluvchenata mixture. Peko door on baking paper and then I could not move it into the cake pan (paper and stuck it risked crushing). I do not know why it was so (if she was dry enough? ) Surely, however, this would not stop me do it again :)
Reni, very glad that you did Pavlova and you liked the taste! Why did you stuck to the paper? I do it twice and I did not have that problem. First, proteins are broken down very well as kisses, the mixture becomes thick, shiny and turn the container upside down not to spill. Peko then 2 hours at 110 degrees and then turned off the oven and without it left open two hours inside to cool itself. Only then pulled it and the next day I put together. May it serve you and the next time you peel off well and enjoy all the beautiful and exquisite taste of Pavlova! :)
snowy, I think the problem with me is baking, otherwise everything was fine (the mixture became, as you say thick and shiny, sushi as much time as you need). I guess my oven is weaker and had to increase or degrees or less baking time, but ... because we like Pavlova next time will be corrected :)
Reni, if you increase the risk degrees tseluvchenata mixture not yellow and will not look good. Must be ivory, very hard on the outside and soft inside. Perhaps it would be better to increase the cooking time, you decide how much. I wish you success! :)
great cake, very well received! I followed everything in the recipe, but I had no fruit and grated chocolate!
I am very happy kelt67, that was well received cake and you liked it! Thank you for your trust and expect photos!
Really. big yummy I had no problem with bake or peeling of the paper. Soon you will be doing again, this time will decorate it with fresh fruit and upload photos and. Thanks for the recipe!