4-5 potatoes
1 large carrot or 5-6 small
1 onion
1-2 chicken legs
pepper, salt
sunflower oil and butter
50-100 ml cream
spices of choice optional

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Legs are cooked and deboned. In broth put peeled and diced potatoes and cook. When the potatoes are cooked already Strain and add them ragged chicken. In a pan fry the chopped onion and then add grated carrots and stew them. Fry the mixture to the potatoes, add the spices and boil for 5-6 minutes. Add cream and boil again slightly. When ready add chopped parsley.
0 users
There are strange color this soup.
Savsem normal cream soup, maybe light in the picture makes it look weird, but to me nothing I fear. Try it and see that it is normal soup.
Potato color has this potato soup, quite okay :)
to me pinkish may be from the monitor, you know ... otherwise no doubt the taste.
January I make almost the same way. Do not fry the onion and carrots. Add them raw and 1 pm. L. Paprika. Let simmer until the carrots are soft. Sometimes shave them to boiled faster. Delicious soup.