500 g readymade dough
50 g butter
# For the filling:
500-600 g chopped fresh cabbage
2 eggs
1 onion
1/2 bunch of dill
1 tsp lemon juice
50 ml sunflower oil
salt, pepper
1 egg for egg wash

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Chopped onion stew in the oil. Add the cabbage and stew to transparency. Add spices, lemon juice and 1/2 cup water. Boil until the fat remains. Add two eggs and mix. Roll out the dough to a rectangle, previously released two small balls for decoration. Roll the rectangle is coated with plenty of butter. Top distributed filling. Grabs one end and bend to the middle. Take the other end and also folded by sticking to the bottom of the resulting roll. This is done to not go stuffing. Carefully offer in a baking dish covered with foil. Both balls are rolled strip length, the length of the roll and 2 cm thick. The sides are cut with a knife. Put on the roll. Thoroughly smeared with beaten egg. Bake at 200 C 35-40 minutes. Serve chilled.
0 users
recipe I like you very much. Will try.
I love pasta, certainly will try ..
my grandmother called him this Zelnik -strashno tasty
I replaced with krenvish stuffing and cheese.