Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce

Submitted by enr on 06 Jan 2009
10 makes peppers - best red
300-400 g rice
500 ml tomato paste
1 kg mince mixture
olive oil or sunflower oil
Peppers cleaned of seeds. Rice, mince, salt, pepper and parsley knead without fried. Fill peppers arranged in a baking dish and pour in the tomato paste, which was diluted 1: 1 with water and salted. The sauce should cover not fully peppers. Watered with olive oil and bake about 1 hour of moderate oven. Can be baked and more - so the sauce will become thick.
0 users
06 Jan 2009


10 peppers are so little about rice and minced meat.

Rice is not it a little much? And it seems to me that the peppers are less about quantity filling. Interesting is topping with tomato sauce. Will try.

It all depends on the size of the pod, if less will not reach. Do not worry about rice, but if you seem very safe to put less. This recipe is my version because I do not like stuffed peppers with white sauce whatever it may be. I am glad that this recipe has generated interest.

I do peppers with red sauce. Houses that nobody eats white sauce. In the same way I do them, are ideal if you have other work-alone cook. Bravo for the recipe ... :) Now I'm going to do it again ... :)