1 turkey
250 g rice
2-3 field mushrooms
1 onion
200 g chicken livers
1 large carrot
10 sheets sauerkraut
3- 4 glasses of juice from sauerkraut
4-5 tbsp honey
salt, sunflower oil
pepper, ground kimono savory

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Wash the turkey, mix honey with half a cup of sauerkraut juice and a little savory and smear it all with plenty of countries. If the juice is not too savory, add a little salt. Chopped onions, carrots, mushrooms and livers. Choke with all products with a little sunflower oil, water, salt and spices, stirring often. May fry them, but I personally avoid frying. Once softened, add them rice and water (1: 3) and leave rice are dissolved. Once the filling is ready, stuffed turkey, stitched it with thread and glue it in the tray. Pour the remaining cabbage juice tray and if you left the filling, put him. Watering turkey lightly with sunflower oil and cover with cabbage leaves. Bake at 180-200 C. Roasting is long, I'm not shooting time, but when the cabbage leaves pozapekat, watering occasionally with sauce.
0 users
salty, sour, sweet! Like such combinations. Also filling my liking. No turkey, but with chicken will be!
Fair and chicken, only to find sauerkraut at the time.
if you do not cabbage tell you sent me. I will try it nobody left day, a lot vowed to do, but of what began to
great recipe my mother has birthday and can it ready.