400 g filo pastry sheets
800 g - 1 kg autumn fruits - apple, pear, quince, carrot
3/4 cup sunflower oil
by 2-2 and 1/2 tbsp sugar crust
1 cup walnuts
1 tsp cinnamon
bread crumbs (or crushed biscuits)
raisins and / or other dried fruit, coconut
optional - powdered sugar for sprinkling

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Ratio of the fruit is optional. Quince to use piece because it is sour, slightly astringent taste and will dominate over other fruits. Apples and pears are peeled, scraped carrot. All fruit is grated and mixed. The finished wafers are distributed in two, and both are smeared with sunflower oil. The fruits are spread evenly over the entire surface of the sheet. Sprinkle with sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, 1 tsp bread crumbs and coarsely chopped walnuts. You can add raisins and coconut. Corey roll and arrange in greased pan. It can be rectangular or round (for round banitsa). Can be made and imposed banitsa -slagat are both smeared with sunflower oil pastry in the pan, top stuffing, peel back and stuffing and so on.. At the top are two wafers without stuffing, sprinkled with sunflower oil. And here, as in the banitsa with carrots, humidify the rolls with some liquid to not crack as sheet. Top sprinkle (coated) with sunflower oil. Shtrudelat bake in preheated oven at about 180 C. Hot, lightly sprayed with water and cover with a towel or newspaper to stew and soft. Optional, as cool sprinkle with powdered sugar.
0 users
fantastic, I love strudel. Tomorrow will prepare. Great recipe
Ina, so tasty strudel seems you just can not miss it! Imagine how rich taste and how fragrant it!
Thank you Didi! You can add and pumpkin. Use the products available. Will become juicy and flavorful! :)
Reni, I know you will do it and you will be pleased! :)
I loved the recipe will do in pvrva opportunity! Thank you! :)
is a great idea, I'm not add carrot to now, but I'll try ... :)
Annie, I hope to share the result! :)
Alba, try to add carrot to other fruits in one of the rolls. So will best judge whether you will like the taste. We tried pie with carrots - Баница carrots and were very pleased. :)