400-500 g filo pastry sheets
5 eggs
200-300 ml soda
500 g ketchup
3-4 skinless sausage or other fresh sausage
200 g canned corn
oregano or savory salt
cheese optional

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Spread pan with sunflower oil, put 2-3 sheet on them put ketchup, chopped skinless sausage, corn, cheese, sprinkle with oregano or savory. The following peel already flooded with 1-2 tbsp sunflower oil and again by stuffing products. Do so until the peel. Then cut into squares and pour the beaten eggs mixed with soda and salt. Allow to soak and bake in a preheated oven at 160-180 C until ready. Above may also be sprinkled with cheese just before subtracting (optional). If the sheet is 400 g I put 200 ml carbonated water, if 500 g - 300 ml The recipe I saw in a website but I do not remember his name. But there was it written that the recipe is from BG MAMA. But the name I put it that hem as banitsa make, yet tastes like pizza.
4 users
Thanks for the recipe! I tried something similar with the name pizza burek in MK make them in any byurekdzhilnitsa and strahotiyka. You will not regret if her prepare.
This morning I made is awesome. Send a photo.
. mona_liza1, super seemed to take it sets up for dinner and I think my mouth is filled ... like watching. :)
mona_liza1, very nice picture. The first time I worked on it, folding phyllo rolls, cut into wheels and so ordered in the baking pan. But so is glued / not much, but still / bottom. Second time -like pie. The third time, it will curl / like snail / and so will bake. Or just roll. Glad you like it really is delicious.
Well buci, no wonder, and make it. And a cold ayryanche ... :)
BABY, did her but did not stay for the photo :), put fresh mushrooms stewed in a little butter and dry basil, cheese and put
God what goodies do. Diet go to hell. I made it for sletobedna breakfast we were all impressed. Was very tasty. Thank BABY.
Eeeee, really very, very glad that you like. buci, and I in finished form I can not shoot that while turned and gone .. :)
looks great and will try! Bravo!
May & me me keen with this pizza pie ...
If you do not want to become thick, perhaps a half sheet, and kashkavalcheto top ... :)
Do not you say wolf pie? Will try.
I do not know if Ive said so. I saw her sdrugo title-Pizza peel ready.
Excellent recipe - quick and tasty.
Very cool recipe. I am impressed, goes great with cold ayran as said BABY can and tea!