Chicken legs with potatoes and pumpkin

Submitted by enr on 13 Aug 2009
5 large potatoes
500 g raw pumpkin
6 chicken legs
1/2 onion
1 carrot
2 tbsp sunflower oil
red pepper, savory, salt
bouillon powder or vegeta
cheese or feta cheese Gouda
2 tomatoes
Onions, carrots and tomatoes, cut into small pieces, then fry in the oil until golden. Add spices and fry another minute or two. Peeled and coarsely chopped potatoes and fry are added together with the above product. Add water until the products cover and leave to simmer. Then add the chicken legs. Pumpkin cubes are added to the pan when the meat and potatoes are almost ready and the sauce is thickening. Boil until the pumpkin is not too soft. The contents of the pan pour into pan and bake 10 minutes, sprinkle top with grated cheese. Portions garnished with parsley and pepper.
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13 Aug 2009