4 eggs
1 and 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 cup yogurt
5-6 g of baking soda
3 cups flour
10 g baking powder
1 lemon
1 tsp cocoa
1 tsp coffee
50-100 g chocolate
essence rum

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Sifting flour twice to fill with air and become fluffy. Add baking powder to it. In a deep bowl with mixer stirring well the eggs and sugar. Gradually add the oil. In yoghurt put baking soda and stir to boil. Add yogurt to egg mixture and mix. Grate the zest, add the essence of rum and raisins (or other dried fruit) own taste. Stir well with sifted flour. Pay your 1 cup of the mixture and stir it with cocoa and coffee. I personally brown mixture I add 2-3 teaspoons rum, baileys or kahlua. spreads its shape cake with sunflower oil and pour the mixture to the cake. On it and put the cocoa mixture to decorate. Bake in preheated oven 180C-200C for 40 minutes. After you remove the cake and cool, melted chocolate and pour the entire cake. Sprinkle with walnuts or coconut for decoration.
3 users
I prepared this cake and get a very tasty. Liked it a lot and ate very quickly. Now we will do it again, but I will add a little baking powder. Last time I had raisins, now I have. Will upload pictures later. :) PS first cake I do not become pasty. Thanks for the recipe, Marieta111! :)
I am very glad that you liked the cake and was well received. This summer my mother made it for the first time with me and fell in love with him.
today and I made the cake and it was super happy I
I do already only this cake. Well, finally will get and photos. This time I experimented a bit and first defeated only eggs, then added sugar. Became even more fluffy. For vtoi time put rum essence and add Baileys in part that paint (last 2 times only coffee). Colleagues of my husband (Spanish) are also very like it. :) Again, huge thanks for the recipe!
For the first time I made this cake today and I can say that it is very successful recipe. The only change on my part was that I put 1 packet baking powder instead of baking soda. Greetings to the author! :)
Girls actually in the original recipe really is 1 packet of baking powder, now checked in my book. I do not know how I missed it added to products for which I apologize very much. I'll see if I can edit the recipe and add baking powder to not mislead anyone. Thanks for the good assessments and mentioned baking powder. Once again I apologize.
Marietta, guess baking powder goes into flour?
Yes, add it to the flour :)