12 colors of pumpkin
1 egg
3-4 tbsp flour
lemonade (water, beer, milk, soda napita;)
sunflower oil for frying
about cute option - powdered sugar

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Used male flowers of pumpkin. They are thin, long handles and do not form fruit (pumpkin or zucchini). Picked in the morning when it is cool and nice dissolved. If not used immediately, wash, gently handles are dipped in water and leave in a cool place. can be stored in the refrigerator 1-2 days, previously stacked in a plastic bag (necessarily have to be dried after washing with water). Before PANIC, carefully leafing through each color and remove the stamen. Severed the handle, it can be left 1-2 cm. Special color of pumpkin gently press the base to flatten. The color of zucchini guess this is not necessary. On the beaten egg, flour, a pinch of salt and the chosen liquid, a mixture slightly thicker than boza. Breading should be retained on the color. Each color is immersed in breading and fried in a hot sunflower oil. The power of the stove must be 2/3 of the power. Between the colors must have less distance to not stick to each other, which will impede their conversion. fried colors rank on kitchen paper to absorb excess fat. They can be served with milk-garlic sauce; cheese; with feta cheese, mixed with pressed garlic clove; with tomatoes. Or in sweet option - sprinkled with powdered sugar.
0 users
I love them sprinkled with lots of powdered sugar with vanilla, yummy, Does flowered turn up immediately, the pictures are wonderful as always.
Thank you flowers! I am glad that you like! :)