Inflatable balls

Submitted by enr on 30 Jul 2008
1 egg
250 g yogurt
150 g grated feta cheese
1 tsp baking soda or baking powder 10 g (1 packet)
600 g flour
fat frying
Inflatable balls
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Since the products are kneads soft dough. 2 is rolled sheets, about 5 mm thick. Sheet placed over one another and cup cut circles. Fry in hot vegetable oil.
2 users
30 Jul 2008


These inflatable balls in our family fritters tell them.

And in our family do them like pretzels.

Interesting idea! Thank you! Will take to try and pretzels!

We tried them and were very successful, thank you for the great recipe.

look very tasty but when you have kneaded the dough to rise

will try them for breakfast

Ive, when the dough is like here - a raising agent baking soda or baking powder - not to rise. Only only yeast dough rises - because yeast is a living organism and they must multiply and swell the dough, and for that they need some hot down time and place:-) so that the soil and do not wait:-)

many thanks

were great. I have them cut out shapes with cookie and get very interesting