4 small zucchini (about 400 g)
2 stalks celery (celery)
400-500 g green beans, cleaned
1 large green bell or a 2-3 green peppers
2-3 generous handfuls of fresh spinach, lettuce or watercress
250 g yogurt
2 cloves garlic
4-5 sprigs of mint
salt, pepper
1-2 tbsp vinegar

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From stalks mint leaves are harvested and passaged with garlic and a little olive oil. Mix with yogurt dressing and seasoned with plenty of black pepper and salt. In a large pot boil water with salt and vinegar 1-2 tbsp. Courgettes are placed whole in the water, and after 2-3 minutes and the green beans. Boil 7-8 minutes, until the beans are cooked but crunchy. Vegetables are removed, drained and allowed to cool. On the zucchini was cut both ends to halve, and each half is cut thick strips. Bell (pepper) cut into strips. Stalks celery cleaned of leaves and cut into thin slices (the leaves can be frozen and used for other dishes). Vegetables are divided into portions on them chopped spinach (lettuce, watercress) and dripped with dressing.
0 users
101 ideas: Salad, publisher Parragon
Rally, a great offer! I've salad with green beans, yogurt and other products obtained delicious. And will try this recipe morning I bought a bunch mint :)
Manuela, I hope you like it :) use product that love. If you do not like fresh spinach or lettuce, put it another that is your taste. The photo with lettuce, but we spinach liked much more. The original is with watercress, but I can not find right now. Reviews will wait you :)