400 g yogurt
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1/3 cup sunflower oil
1 kg of flour
1 cube of yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt

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Yeast pre-mix with flour and some milk and 1 tsp salt and sugar. As rise, knead with other products. Messi his soft dough. Formed into balls the size of tangerine, arranged on a tray, cover with flour and leave for half an hour to rise. Before roasting shaped stretch with movement, such as in the middle of the dough to be thinner, but the end thicker. The mekitsi fry in the oil. In the oil, which will Frizzle put salt - after mekichkite fry in them is adhering salt crystals and are very tasty. Fry half the dough only sunflower oil (for those who like eating mekitsi with jam or honey), and for the second half already put salt in the oil.
2 users
This dough can be prepared the evening and put in the refrigerator in a plastic bag greasy. There will still rise in the morning only slightly premesva. I always do so to me it is easier in the morning.
Mmm ... awesome.
As for cakes very interesting shaped them.
Milena how are rolled Sarah baklava. Look lovely.
Very good cakes, I hope that next time I will get as snimktata of a mamacha :), and simply awesome :)
elito789, cakes you are not bad, but I have a feeling that you fried them in a little oil.The dough must *swim* in fat and should not touch the bottom of the container.For this purpose, use a small and deep one.
Yes, certainly right ... because of this error can never bring them in appearance ... but I'll try next time to fry them in a narrow and deep dish ... hopefully get better ... but the important thing is that they are very tasty!
Great are the cakes! Bravo!