2 eggs
100 g sugar
1/8 tsp cloves powder
1/8 tsp grated nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp salt
10 g baking powder
227 g boiled pumpkin
120 ml sunflower oil
80 ml milk
200 g flour
2 vanilla

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Pumpkin after being boiled, is removed from the water and pass a blender or with a fork and set aside. Eggs broken with sugar until the mixture is fluffy foam. Successively added other products. Lopsided mixture is poured into silicon molds for muffins. The oven is preheated to the highest temperature (high heat) Bake 15-20 minutes, checking their readiness with a wooden skewer. Baking time is determined by the oven.
0 users
Will not burn so strong oven? How many degrees is the maximum temperature of your oven?
my gas stove and is quite strong. I have a device with which to measure the temperature. Baking 200 centigrade will best but everyone tried according to the oven.