4 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
75 g sour cream
2 tbsp chopped parsley
100 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
# For the filling:
3 cloves garlic
2 bunches of parsley
100 g pine nuts
75 g sour cream
200 g cream cheese
2 tbsp milk
1 tsp salt
60 g feta cheese Parmesan

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Dough: Beat the egg whites with the salt of hard snow. Mix the egg yolks, cream and parsley into another container and add them to the egg whites and flour with baking powder. Zastelete rectangular tray sizes 30h35-40 cm with baking paper (if you do not have one, use a larger pan and do it in the required size form of baking paper, fold the pages as of about 2 cm and secure using a stapler). On paper spread out several objectives washed and dried parsley on top and pour the dough and smooth. Bake in center of preheated 200 ° C oven for 8-10 minutes. Filling: Clean the garlic, wash the parsley and blend with other products (except Parmesan - grate it and add at the end). Once the base has cooled down, remove it with baking paper and spread the filling on it, start to roll - parsley on the underside of the base will be displayed on top. Put the roll stand in refrigerator at least 1 hour. After removing - cut can sprinkle with a little grated parmesan.
0 users
interesting recipe! Will try a must! And, if they pine nuts to replace a nut?
Very tasty sounds!
Well, I suppose will happen, but it will not be the same. Rather a bit more expensive option with almost the same result would be if half the amount of pine nuts replace it with finely ground almonds. However kedovite nuts are quite high in fat ...