300 g beans
1/2 cup (100 ml) sunflower oil
3-4 onions
2-3 tomatoes
1 tsp (5 g) red pepper
5-6 chillies

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The beans are cleaned, washed and pour cold water . Boil on medium heat. Onions, finely chopped, stew in the oil until soft, add the red pepper and tomatoes. Stew gently. Cooked beans strain. Distributed into pots. Top is razpredlya roux. On it is placed on a slice of tomato and optional - pungent capsicum. Add salt, sprinkle with parsley and mint and put in 3-4 tbsp of water in which the boiling beans. Gyuvechetata baked in the oven and served warm.
2 users
In the middle of casseroles put garlic. After baking to squeeze the contents. Gives a special flavor to the beans. Sometimes before baking add broken toasted dry pepper.
Ina, sweet, your picture is so seductive! As of ethnographic museum:-) How long bake gyuvechetata that garlic can be squeezed? And what oven, you strong? Beans as with so little liquid (3-4 tablespoons) Do not dry during baking?
Rally, it would be tradition is tradition! But seriously - I mix the cooked beans with roux, seasoning it and then distribute it in gyuvechetata. Garlic Pin tip in the beans / a *butt* up /. You can put clean cloves inside / just my people do not like garlic, so I received so /. Roast on average moderate oven, 180 degrees. Not dry beans, top result is a very tasty crust.
Many bkusno get. Will do more often beans.
How many pots out of this recipe?
I put to 200-250gr beans. To me, received two small, but I used the smallest of beans, and he does not blow much.