1 kg pork, veal or beef
1/2 cup (100 ml) fat
3-4 heads (200 g) onion
1 tbsp (20 g) tomato paste
1 tbsp (10 g) flour
1 tsp (5 g) red pepper
1/2 cup (100 ml) wine
10-12 peppercorns
5-6 Allspice

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The meat is cleaned from the bones, cut into small pieces and fry in the oil with chopped onion. When the onion is tender, were added while stirring tomato paste, flour and paprika. Pour over the broth or hot water, add salt and boil on medium heat. When the meat is tender, add the black pepper, allspice, and wine. The dish must remain almost fat. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.
10 users
great taste and easy to prepare recipe!
Prior to serving the dish is better to add pre-cooked white rice, as is formed with a spoon ball.
In addition to boiled rice, the dish can be served with mashed potatoes.
can be used bay leaf, allspice instead. It awesome! And a grated carrot does not harm :)
Tas-kebab served with cooked rice. My comment is as Maria from Plovdiv. Great recipe.
How much water (broth) should I put?
Very tasty and easy to prepare!
water / broth should cover the meat. Since the dish is boiled until tender meat may need topping up with water - depends on the meat. The dish must be almost no water.
For garnish added steamed rice, steamed carrots and peas. Super recipe!
pics rice can be put pyrzheni potatoes we eat it so great cooked meal
Very tasty seems, will try it for sure!
really looks delicious. today I will try that right'm beginner ...
Opitaite with noodles instead of rice. Becomes very tasty.
will try to beef and cooked rice for garnish. The rice can preach a little soy sauce and stir. Becomes very tasty!
People first cook beef -3 hours it brew -No melt! What is this thing? I put the meat in the marina yesterday?
Do not put the meat in the marinade and boil it in the pressure cooker for one hour is ready.
is very tasty! will try it :)
mmm yummy I put rice and mushrooms in
I did it with pig hearts and became super ...
dish made with pork and it was very tasty :)
recipe is great! Several times in January and prepare it ... mmm, yummy. Bravo!
Very tasty happened! Bravo for the recipe :)
overdo the wine without want, but still felt the taste :)
Whether it is served with rice or mashed potatoes, the dish is very tasty!
Great taste!