150 ml milk
300 ml sunflower oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp mustard
1/2 tsp lemon juice or limontuzo
optional spices
garlic powder

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In the bowl of blender put the milk, the oil, mustard, salt, limontozu or lemon juice and garlic powder. With the blender as it gradually pulling up beating the mayonnaise.
Very easy
11 users
Forum BG-Mom
Very nice, but I think to make mayonnaise must have egg (yolk) is otherwise just milk sauce with spices.
nothing like this is just milk mayonnaise did not stand as a sauce - made without eggs recipe is very accurate - I do with it so - becomes very light, tasty
Rossi simply draws attention to the fact that the mayonnaise is an oil emulsion in which the yolk lecithin is used as emulsifier. This is the definition of a mayonnaise. Incidentally - and mayonnaise sauce is so commented Rossi is not offended:-) And in general - is an interesting recipe.
That's the thing about this mayonnaise that is without egg and becomes perfect, thick and fluffy. Who wants to put different spices as desired.
I started reading today through thick books, and actually found that since there have been cases of poisoning with salmonella and even deaths, has resorted to making mayonnaise with cooked yolk with milk or, in this case the dairy proteins represented emulsifier.
With the pleasure will try to do:-)
I did not mean to offend anyone. :) It is evident by my comment. The recipe I really like, so I'll make it tonight and will get even photos. Bravo :)
Does it matter the temperature of the products? Because egg mayonnaise know I should be at room temperature or ...?
No matter the temperature of the products. Milk remove it from the refrigerator. The oil is at room temperature.
I made it today and as I tried, I was delighted! Really light and fluffy! My only one tip - give her time to cool, the taste only won after a stay in the fridge!
Yes, that is after a stay in hldilnik becomes more dense and thus improves the taste and then mix all spices
And you can without mustard? I liked a lot, but my kids do not like mustard.
I did not put mustard and get superb. Mustard in mayonnaise is not only taste, but also serves as an additional emulsifier. But in set proportions of milk to oil it and without it.
I do when her and put a little garlic and melted cheese can also but soft and almost liquid little chutney to change the color
Very tasty obtained. And left many more in quantity than the other kind - with eggs. The recipe is a great, well done, very successfully obtain. I put garlic powder and dried dill.
Right? very nice, although we mayonnaise months not look, this is definitely worth it! But it strikes me - your photos seem somewhat liquid, and when I became very tight, as zagrebesh spoon, and she stood on top of the pile ... very stable!
Yes, my was not much firmer, but the taste is worth it, and I wanted to try. Perhaps it is important milk and oil, and also with what is broken. I do not have a blender and made it with a machine, with which I make instant coffee frappe.
And the milk in stores ... straight fresh milk .. Filled with anything to be able to withstand months .. Real milk is milk agriculture, milking and fresh brewed, but not everyone always has the option to go to the village. Oil did not know about it, nothing I can say except that it is very expensive and do not know what quality is.
probably due to the clipper. Any milk still has proteins. And oil is fat. From the physical point of view is the same. Naturally, quality products that are superior in taste and body, but I am sure that in your case due to the blender.
Well sure, it is still much less than a blender, but it was not very rare. Average density - not very rare and not very thick. But other mayonnaise, which is made with eggs can not explain why it becomes very thick, like it is broken into the same machine? Because eggs you?
And I have frapiera but definitely mayonnaise becomes better with blender. Frapierata not so good to break up the ingredients and become a thick cream maynezata. Once put in the refrigerator and spend some vrame becomes thick.
I do this for years, mayonnaise, and prefer it to the egg. I do not remember where I took the recipe, but it is emphasized that the milk must be very cold. Even if I'm not sure its temperature, put it on for 15-20 minutes in the freezer. In this situation I always mayonnaise becomes thick as Rally. I've used home-fat milk, and magazinsko, and very low-fat, and the result is always good. But break with blender, and I think frapierata just developed lower speed of a blender, and therefore become less mayonnaise you, Rosie. But what if you was delicious;). It is true that it is better as a stand.
Girls ask ... after at least 10 successful performances that day again I wanted to do, but it did not thicken! Not be more rare, not stuck its liquid oil! What may be due to such failure?
I tried to make the mayonnaise instead of olive oil put. Blender is my very good but not the mayonnaise thickens - remained viscous. This does not prevent us to eat with baked trout. The rest is in the fridge - for tomorrow night may be thickened.
citric acid should be placed at a later stage the break and it gives density. Care should be taken not to become very acidic and if targets densely mayonnaise.
I never put any citric acid or lemon juice. And again my thick mayonnaise. The density comes from protein, not of the acid.
For the first time I milk mayonnaise, although I have a recipe long ago. I did try with 1 k. h. milk and 2 k. h. oil. Was very well prepared and with her Russian salad.
I also prepare mayonnaise thus, the ratio of milk, oil in my recipe is 1: 2, the result is always shining and softening to taste 2-3 tablespoons drained yogurt (after I finish breaking)To receive diversity, each time adding to the finished mayonnaise, roasted eggplant chopped or grated raw carrots, crumbled cheese or cottage cheese, sliced very finely roasted peppers. Matter of taste! Great recipe for homemade mayonnaise!
What says Orris an option, like me, I have not thought to try this, but with chopped peppers and curd May, most loving and will do :)
At home May not remain without mayonnaise. I decided to try a home. I chose this recipe and do not regret the choice! Which was performed without any spices-not a trial! :) May will no longer buy from the store! Thanks for the recipe!
Oh, how interesting ...Tomorrow or Sunday will be tested ...! Greetings from Buenos Aires .. !!
If anyone can give advice? I make very often milk mayonnaise, I would say that the presence and in the refrigerator became routine. Recently, however, quite often I crossed (without changing technology). Tonight, once again, failed breaker, Iím hard not quit and a second dose failure ... again! :(
Pepi, and I had the same problem-me get the third time (obviously'm hard) :) I never knew what happened. Use the same oil and milk, the only difference was that the third time (apt) break it in a blender, not a blender. I do not believe, however this matter. Otherwise, the mayonnaise is a nice, thick and fluffy-all liked it!
Rennie, great presentation, as always!
Thanks, Willie :)
which was performed two times - the first time with the lemon juice, sour me and threw it, the second Ge without lemon juice. Both times was very dense. In the second portion after I did, blending in an additional red pepper and added 3 tablespoons of yogurt and became a very nice sauce. Now we will use it to slice inside as Russian salad miscellaneous products (ham, boiled potato and carrot, pickled cucumber and dill) Upload photos first mayonnaise in the original recipe and the sauce with peppers and yoghurt.
Reni, congratulations! :) In this photo cellars fish is wonderful! ;)
Rennie, the picture is great! You're such an esthete, each time enjoying what you're doing!
Reni, I join the opinion of the Rally. Beauty! Congratulations to the talent and skill you!
Wow! Reni, incredibly original and beautiful presentation of this appetizer with mayonnaise milk! Congratulations! :)
Girls felt was wonderful of you nice words! Thank you :)
Wonderful mayonnaise happened! Light and delicious. Thanks for the recipe!
Wonderful mayonnaise. Just for chicken with fries, which smells from the oven. A very good way to avoid raw egg in classic homemade mayonnaise. Thank you! :)
Honestly, I did it with reservations, because I worked on it some time ago and nothing happened. It was almost liquid, but this time is perfect! I put garlic powder and citric acid. This will be our mayonnaise already! Salt cake will do it! Just do not know where to put assessments and this: my six!