500 g minced meat
1/2 sausage
1 green pepper
carrots 3
3-4 potatoes
1/2 onion
4-5 cloves garlic
handful of rice
1 egg
400 g peeled tomatoes diced canned
olive oil or sunflower oil
100 ml red wine
turmeric, coriander, curry, chili, paprika, cumin, bay leaf, savory, salt, sugar
2-3 tbsp flour

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Savoury mince with turmeric, coriander, curry, chili, paprika, cumin, bay leaf, savory, salt, and put 1 egg and pre-wash the rice Knead it well and put it in the refrigerator. diced potatoes, carrots, peppers and sausage and onion and garlic finely. In skillet, fry the onion and garlic until golden and add alternately sausage, carrots, peppers and tomatoes from a can. When the sauce has thickened add the wine and 400 ml water, potatoes and counterfeiting with turmeric, coriander, curry, chili, paprika, cumin, bay leaf, savory, salt, sugar and vegetable Pikantina. When you boil roll meatballs in flour and dip them in the stew to boil. Leave over low heat until the meatballs begin to emerge and the potatoes are soft. Finally, if necessary add 2-3 tbsp flour made of messing with the hot broth from eating in a separate bowl, stirring constantly. Leave 5 minutes, add the chopped parsley is ready.
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