200 ml milk
125 g coconut
50 g butter
75 g plain or cocoa biscuits
150 g chocolate
50 g sugar

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In deep pan heat up the milk, sugar and the butter. Add coconut. The biscuits are ground and added to the coconut mixture. Square baking dish 20x20 cm stood with parchment. Pour the mixture and aligns well. Put it in the fridge for 30-40 minutes to set. During this time, the water bath was heated with 2-3 tbsp chocolate milk until homogeneous. Pour over the coconut mixture and evens. Top sprinkle a little grated coconut and put in refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
6 users
I like this recipe and prepare it.
mmm, well done I like!
I was just prepared, is now in the fridge and then I'll put and chocolate. Very tasty, fast and easy!
ladies thanks for the feedback - you sweet
bravo, I love the recipe for coconut, otherwise sladki64e Stash very good cook
Oh, sladka77, I do not think I'm a good cook, now I begin to walk :). I was identified as cheerful cook because everything is trying to do, do it with a great mood :).
And if I accidentally mood, do not walk into the kitchen :).
Very nice cake. Will try it mandatory.
I think the milk to the basic mixture is insufficient ... maybe biscuits I have not struck them, and yes, it was delicious :)
became very tasty cake! I did a double dose even added 400ml. coconut cream that I had her and wondering what to do. Cookies do not ground and nachupih of them not very small pieces. I put the cake in a Teflon pan with a diameter of 29 cm.
I want to say that after a night in the fridge, the cake has become even more delicious than yesterday. Jump'm thrilled!
Surely it would be very vkusno..skoro will do :)
Very fast, easy and delicious cake! :);)
Wonderful cake. Even more delicious the next day
I have made in the form F16 cm and get the ideal thickness, ie. For 8 servings
We really like it! I did it in a baking dish with a diameter of 26 cm by increasing the amount of products. I used 500 ml. milk, 200 g coconut, 125 g butter and 290 g biscuits *Breakfast*. Glaze made with 160 grams of milk chocolate and 3 tablespoons of oil. The cake is great, cooks quickly and easily and will certainly prepare it again!
Great recipe home much liked it although I did with biscuits.