4 bream fish
100 g walnuts
5-6 pickles
10 olives (pitted)
1 carrot
ready seasoning for fish
1 lemon
olive oil for greasing each piece foil

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Previously cleaned fish. Cut as soon as most of the fish to accommodate 4 tbsp stuffing in each fish. Sprinkle seasoning ready to fish inside each fish. Leaving aside to take. During this time, prepare the filling. The walnuts, pickles, olives, 2 lemon slices (as with sheet), 1 tsp of spice, carrot cleaned - put all the ingredients in a food blender and grind. You can add dill. Begin filling the fish. Excerpt large piece of aluminum foil, so that it can be nice to wrap fish. Fthe oil greased with olive oil, stuffed fish with 4 tbsp stuffing, put on fthe oil. On fish put two lemon slices and wrap with fthe oil as candy. Put in the tray with the overlapped part of fthe oil on top to be able to breathe, or need fthe oil to be punctured. Bake the fish in the middle of the oven at 200 C for 40 minutes.
3 users
On reading I liked the recipe (made me think how long I have not cooked fish). But ... St. Nicholas comes:-) record in her favorite and will share how after the sample.
2 times I make it very easy going, can improvise with stuffing ... and may once filled and wrapped in foil fish is allowed to stand for several hours in the refrigerator, ie her to prepare in advance and shortly before dinner time to put it to bake.
I love sea bream, but this recipe sounds delicious! This week zadalzhutelno will try :)
I do not known fish that does not mean you can not try to another, and which will do! Interesting stuffing.
I've done this with trout and stuffing it great!
This fish is very loved in Greece. There are a lot of meat and tasty, and most importantly easily accepted by children. I bake it on the grill and then filled it with a dressing made from lemon juice, olive oil and oregano. But will try sometime stuffed :) Nice idea :)
I love grilled fish or a plate, but at home we are not able to use the grill, because we have a terrace ...
With this recipe (with some modifications) participated in the contest *Become a star of GOOD FOOD* - here you can see my participation: Whoever wants to support me in the first place, which will bring me a new part of the pages of this fine magazine, can vote for me by registering to the site, here: vote # vote.
Thank you in advance!
Sveta, this is a great way to prepare fish, and sea bream is one of the most delicious, at least for me. Deservedly your recipe leads convincingly fingers crossed to win!
Thank you very much! But a lady stubbornly me heels and I need more votes!
I can only say one word for sea bream cooked in this recipe -bozhestvena :)
As a lover of fish I could not miss this recipe :) Very tasty give thanks, and excellent from me!
We tried the recipe with trout, very good work.