400-500 g kadaif
200 g of nuts (a mixture of walnuts, almonds and pistachio - optional only one type)
cinnamon, cloves
# For the syrup:
2 cup sugar
1 and 1/2 cup Water
# For the cream:
5 yolks
500 ml milk
150 g sugar
5 tbsp flour

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Kadaif spread, sprinkled with crushed in small pieces nuts (optional minced meat), which are mixed with cinnamon and cloves and bake until golden. Prepare the cream by Beat yolks with sugar. Add sifted flour and vanilla. Boil milk and away from the heat. Milk is added as stated in the balance to the egg mixture and stir constantly to prevent cross. Transfer to a bowl and put it on the stove. Boil slowly until thickened. Prepare sugar syrup of sugar and water. The syrup is poured on kadaif, top cover with cream.Decorate with nuts. * Can be used starch cream. There are options when the cream in the middle, and on top again kadaif arrange and decorate with whipped cream and nuts. * This cake is known in Turkey, Lebanon and Greece and there are small differences in preparation. This is a Greek home option.
1 user
I put it into a favorite because I sound very appetizing, but ekmek bread of Bulgarian Turkish / does look that recipe is a Greek /, not that it matters on!
where to buy crude kadaif?
Hello :) This recipe has it in several versions. Name I do not know where it comes from, but I have read and Turkish version of slices of bread soaked in milk. This option is Greek. Here sell frozen kadaif in boxes. May be replaced with ready only warm with butter, nuts and cinnamon. I've done exactly this recipe and soon I will do it to upload photos. I've even put lemon cream starch and again we like.
I did it for the birthday of a friend. I used 1 kg crude kadaif double amount Yellow cream , whipped cream as a third layer and top nuts. The syrup was my 1.5 liters, although it kadaif only doubled. The syrup just to reach their succulent kadaif. So I'm sure that that kolchestvo syrup in the recipe here will not be enough. Guests liked the dessert. Yellow cream, however, was very soft for this purpose, this one seems to be thick and re-doing I would do it. But a double dose to 500 g kadaif because for one kilogram put 2L cream and was just right.