2 bream
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp sunflower oil
50-70 g butter
4 cloves garlic
zest of 1 lemon
chopped dill
pepper, salt
bay leaf

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Fish is boned. Soft butter mixed with finely chopped dill, 2 pressed garlic cloves, salt and grated lemon peel. Place on a transparent foil, is formed into a roll and placed in a freezer or camera. 2 cloves garlic finely and mix with the lemon juice, the oil and pepper. Add bay leaf and a sprig of dill. The cleaned fish marinade with this mixture for 30 minutes by making shallow cuts in the skin. The fish is placed on Greased aluminum foil. Inside the fish a few pieces of garlic-lemon butter and a few top. Add a sprig of dill and fthe oil seal. Sea bream with garlic-lemon butter bake in a preheated oven at 220C for 20 minutes. Carefully open the package and without removing the fish bake under the grill (upper baking) for 3-4 minutes. * Fish can be baked in the oven without halogen foil on top BBQ. Before baking smeared well with sunflower oil. Bake in upper BBQ 15 minutes of 220C degrees, turns and bake 7-8 minutes at the same temperature / redness /.
1 user
I like the recipe. I've done something similar, but with other fish. We will now try and bream. Bonnie easily you boned? The pictures look just cleared from the viscera, or maybe to me so it seems to me.
Milenka, I might baked whole - marinating it out half an hour, put spices in it and I did not notched. Peko it into a convection oven - before baking she covered outside with oil.
Milenka, can easily be boned. Besides bones of the chest, no more. By pressing on the spine of the entire skeleton is easily removed. However, small children should be triturated in fingers. Bonnie recipe I like and put her in favorites :)
Rally, thanks for the information! Unfortunately my bream will wait for as it is shameful today the fish auction in Varna were only two or three species of fish and it was not among them. I had no time to look elsewhere and therefore sea bream will become mackerel - I will make it with garlic butter in this recipe, but it will not be the same.
At the moment, bake ... Smells tempting :) I think it served with boiled potatoes and a salad of arugula and parmezzan. How will wee received, but there is simply no chance is not great :) :) :)
Bonnie, thank you for the great recipe! I was going to do photos, but would probably make me eat me if this late at night I had made him wait even just one minute :) bream appeal to everyone, melting in the mouth and had a very gentle taste!
Rally, I'm glad that you liked it :)