500 g nettle or spinach
1-2 carrots
1 onion
1 yolk
200 g yogurt
2 tbsp rice

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In a little oil sauté onions and carrot. Add washed nettle (the washed and chopped spinach) and mix well with carrot and onion. Then pour the hot water, the amount depending on the desired density of the soup. After nettle boil 15-20 minutes add the rice and just before ready add vermicelli. Soup flavored with salt and add mint to taste. Once ready and vermicelli soup thicken a soup thickener, made from egg yolks, whipped with sour milk.
14 users
invented by me
Very tasty and useful supichka, Eli Bravo!
Very tasty and useful supichka. Even today will cook one. Only that I put bouillon cube and finally Cheese. Bravo!
In addition to cheese, put in serving and grated or finely chopped egg.
Nice supichka! Eli Bravo!
Hello everyone and thank you for your positive assessment. Desislava says added cube broth, but I refrain from any artificial additives. Some time ago I used the soups and broth, but after some read the materials around the internet threw any such additives. It is not that other foods are very natural, but look what I can to limit.
when you cook nettle put vermicelli instead of rice and finely chopped walnuts :) well done - very good recipe for the season :)
Today will cook. I plan to put 1 boiled egg and priserviraneto. Thanks for the recipe!
It's great and I will do now
Today I have prepared this supichka and we like! Thanks for the nice recipe! :-)
great soup
Tasty, useful and fresh :) I also add Cheese and became stahotna!
My favorite supichka. When really a few supnicheta soup align with lemon and chili pepper I feet and without drugs
I have a question I izpolzzham frozen spinach? thank
Hello cvete 06 I always with frozen spinach or dock from a jar makes it easy and fast to me is clean and scalded zelenisha
is no such Bozhestzhenna soup is! Many thanks for the recipe!
Very fast, fresh and easy soup. And I put only integral rice and became incredible. I loved it and recommend it, serve it with lemon juice.
Wonderful, fresh and spring supichka idea!
not only put the noodles, but the other way and will try it. Great
hehehe, and I like the other girls, an old Bulgarian custom or habit and I do not know, but my grandmother I learned that in soups, which puts rice not put vermicelli and vice versa :) So I did soup, but rice ... :) dispute in a will - is great! Good for Eni33, but hopefully not angry that cutting one ingredient!
I recommend to all this wonderful supichka! I might have prepared with frozen spinach, put only vermicelli and splendor lump of butter. Grated Cheese. Thanks for the recipe!
I do not like mouths, nettle I have not eaten but I decided to try to do with spinach. I did not think I'll like it because once I do not like rhubarb and spinach that would be so useful but at least for my children. I put a small amount of spinach and I get a lot better. From the kitchen a child I tried spinach soup but do not know how he ate children as I find them disgusting. Surprisingly for me, but that I loved and forth will do often. Thanks for the recipe. All home impressed!
with what spice can replace mint? I'm not in BG now, but I really want to do such supichka ... Nettle has, but here mint something can not find ...
is replaced with mint well, maybe with basil.
super! both of them have ... are dry, but should become well :) thanks!
because I am not in bg need to change mint with mint yogurt for BUILD - with cream and put only rice (vermicelli reminds me sloppy, which we ate in kindergartens and chairs). Soup became wonderful!
Wonderful supichka :) I did it with nettles, put onion and fresh mint. Missed vermicelli, rice seemed sufficient. Thanks for the recipe :)
Great supichka get! Prepared chicken broth for an even better taste and also put only rice. :)