500 g filo pastry sheets
sunflower oil
2 cup water
2 cup sugar
rind of 1/2 lemon

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First we put the water and sugar with lemon rind (maybe cinnamon, which loves) to boil and since boiling detect 3-4 minutes and remove from the heat for us is ready and finally cooled syrup. Take a sheet and she smeared the narrow side at the end with water and the whole crust Spray Atomizer with sunflower oil (I do not, so brushing), put the top crust second, which proceed in the same way and start folding sheet not oiledta from side to buttered on a tight roll. By squeezing roll wanted, stroke it along its entire length with a brush with water from the outside to not develop sheet. Cut into pieces that are fried in plenty of sunflower oil to pinking and immediately put in the syrup. Hold it a little while fry the next batch.
3 users
great taste! With cinnamon syrup instead of lemon are even better! We'll get a picture. :)
Great dessert! I am delighted and I only regret that I have not found the recipe in advance! I made a half dose (sample), flavored syrups to flavor rum. On Saturday I will have guests and definitely it will be dessert! :)
Yesterday I made them all home and liked them. I think the taste is somewhere between tulumbichki and baklava, but made much easier by them. Will certainly make many more times.