400-500 g chestnut
1 cup sugar
2 cup water
1 vanilla

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For preparation of chestnuts there are two options - to boil or roast it. If boiled chestnuts are soaked for about 15 minutes in lukewarm water, then their incision - in the whole country starts from the top of the chestnut to * butt * him, being careful not to hurt too deep chestnut, but it is deep enough to cut the sheet. Put them in a pot, pour water to cover and cook for 10 minutes. Leave the water and taken out one by one and still warm peel using a knife and a damp cloth - must be removed the outer hard shell and the inside fluffy. Wet towel helps to catch the hot chestnuts, and her skin is rubbed pile of chestnuts. It is best to cook chestnuts small portions of 300-500 g for peel at ease while hot and in larger portion will cool and eventually will be difficult. If you bake chestnuts incision is made - again across the country starts from the top of the chestnut to * butt * him, being careful not too deep to hurt chestnut, but it is deep enough to cut the sheet. Put a tray in a single layer and bake in preheated oven for 15-20 strong minutes. Baking time depends on the chestnuts from the oven, as well as begin to smell out and try it - should not be harsh, but not toasted, crunchy if the syrup can not penetrate at all. Ready chestnuts Peel while warm. On the peeled chestnuts are selected targets and not too broken - if pieces will fall apart in the boiling syrup. Discard those rotten parts or unpleasant smell. Sugar, water and vanilla, put in a saucepan and put on medium to boil. The syrup boil 5 minutes, after which it is put chestnuts - must cover them entirely and remains slightly above. Kotlonat reduced slightly to Cover the pan with a lid and leave to boil chestnuts for 1 hour. Finally, it should be left a little syrup if you see too much, remove the lid and let it turn so for 10-something minutes. Chestnuts syrup and leave to cool in the pan, then put in a jar or tightly closing box, closed and kept in a refrigerator, they can withstand 1-2 weeks without a problem. Serve in small bowls, flights syrup or separate paper baskets for candy. * 1 cup = 250 ml * For recipe better suited larger chestnuts. * In principle crystallisation of chestnuts they are cooked in advance, but to me it is easier to peel when baked. I have tried both options - cooked get a little softer after syrup. * If after you do the chestnuts remain only syrup - Do not throw away! It is suitable for pancakes, pancakes, waffles, pastries, buhtichki and any similar.
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I tried them seem very tempting! For our taste, this is definitely something new! :)
iris, I'm sure you will love it, really new, but is near both - we love syrupy desserts. For the first time they tried these chestnuts years ago, they brought me from Turkey and I was very impressed, exclusive delicacy :)
How cool look!