100 g marzipan
20 g of powdered sugar
confectionery paint - red (or other) color and green for the leaves

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Marzipan is kneaded with powdered sugar and painted in the desired color. Form a roll with a diameter of 1 cm and cut pieces that are made of beads. Between two layers of plastic foil are flattened into thin circles, as one end tapering. Of these rings form the leaves of the flower. For the leaves are colored in green marzipan balls and instead form drops. Flattened laterally and with a sharp wooden skewer through trapping are engraved leaf veins. The edges are formed with the tip of the kebab as held vertically, thus making chopped leaves. Flowers and leaves were left for 20 minutes at room temperature, to poizsahnat. Then put on the cake. Glued on biscuit and wrapped in cellophane, and roses are nice little gift for colleagues and friends.
1 user
great beauty!
are great - will try to do them once I do.
B P A B O!
Rally, fabulous! This is art. Bravo!
I plan to make a short video how become. Is there interest?
Hey, I want to ask as this is a marzipan and where you buy. Thanks in advance.
Vasco, marzipan are finely ground almonds and sugar. All crease with a big press (a huge conical stone rotates on the mixture, weighs tons), until a homogeneous mass, very fine. Purchased ready. Homemade simply never so fine. Quality marzipan is just almonds and sugar. The less sugar, the more *noble* as it is called in the respective environments.
I am very intrigued by these roses. even I intend to try to make some and surprise your loved him do any cakes decorated with this type of roses. I want to ask this veil etc. charshav of what products take place.
dear Alina, if they make it difficult this video
Rally, if you have time please make this video. Many roses are beautiful, but I wonder if I can screw them well.
I yesterday for the first time filled the recipe exactly, but I do not get tight enough, is it possible problem of not having added the entire quantity of powdered sugar, it seemed to me impossible or unrealistic and zayatova then it doomesih with flour- EFFECT WAS GOOD received consistency of plasticine and good handling, but I guess that is not suitable for eating with this raw flour. PLEASE TELL YOU REALLY NEED TO PUT ALL 500g. Powdered sugar-see that you have done well and I will try to apply a photograph of my creations of yesterday. Thank you in advance! Please someone answer me!
Nelly, I saw your comments to the so-called *marzipan* Varna. I guess it worked. But what I've written in the recipe is a true marzipan. Hard, firm mass of almonds and sugar, which are compressed by rollers weighing several hundred pounds. A slightly sticky, sweet and solid. This is marzipan. And not different mixtures modeling that person you cook at home (everything is based on sugar is fondant and marzipan not. Which is a powdery base may be formed, but can not eat.). Sorry if it has misled the name *marzipan*. I have written several times and insisted on clarification of the notion.…
Nelly, put it all amount of powdered sugar, maybe even a little more to go and gets really like plasticine, work is very easy.
The quantity of sugar depends on how much paint pipette - if paint is much intense color, sugar absorbed in January, this is her goal. Once again I emphasize that I speak for marzipan almond. It can be ofomyat figures and no sugar, unless it is stained. One of these *specialties* without coloring are as marzipan potatoes, very common and appreciated, especially in the pre-Christmas weeks.
I put make potatoes here Марципанови potatoes . As can be seen, works entirely without sugar.
Neli1100, beautiful figurines its creation. BRAVO! I did not understand what marzipan use - true (almond) or so. Called. Marzipan Varna?
This recipe is very easy to work Ikat you stay dough him prebirash and then again to use it, while others with gelatin recipes, very fast drying, can not smognesh to create something and it is dry.