1 kg of sugar
500 ml water

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Sugar is boiled with water until a thick syrup extraordinary - drop to stand in cold water. The finished syrup is poured into an oiled large pan and stir (rubbing) quickly with a wooden paddle. Soon the syrup begins to whiten and soon becomes a smooth dough tvardichko - fondant. If necessary and optional hostess may be colored with a harmless dye cookies and cocoa and flavored with some liqueur or rum. If fondant is spoiled and can not turns white, he poured a little hot water, boil again and again stir until again turn into a smooth dough.
1 user
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Can you make in stock or must be used immediately? I've never fondant and very loved them once florets in order cake!
I did it three times and did not get. Each time it was not a test, but a coarse powder. Too bad.
I did it yesterday and it was successful, over colored it red because only such paint and today I will try to do some figurines! (Once boiled syrup poured it into a pan and stir until cool, then Messi hands and get a nice dough, very stirring must.)
I'm not responsible, but I think you're too with thickening of the syrup. Try again, if I was doing.
but can add gelatin?
This fund is suitable for you fully cover the cake / both professionally prepared cakes / or becomes just figures?
today preparing for Valentine's Day, do fondant to decorate the cake, it was smooth stiff dough, but I can not do figurine dough breaks