2 egg whites
60 g soft butter
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp flour
flavor - vanilla, coconut

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These are plastic and shaped while hot cookies. Heat the oven to 180 C. Whip almost snow, gradually pour the sugar. Was added portionwise sifted flour and the butter. Stir until homogeneous. In pre-greased and covered with paper baking tray with a spoon spread discs with the desired diameter (about 10 cm). I am slightly disheveled in the end one option. Sprinkle with coconut and bake for 4-5 minutes. Baked shapes cool for 30-40 seconds and placed on the inverted cups. Tuil must adhere as best in the form of cup. Leave to cool. Garnish optional - mousse, ice cream, fruit salad. And can be twisted into a spiral and used for decoration.
0 users
Many are spectacular!
are really very impressive and scary and easy! One chocolate candy to put inside - raises his value! Bravo!
Really easy and effective and allows for play of the imagination.
very cool, will try
How to achieve different color?
may be colored 1 tablespoon of dough with cocoa or icing paint and stained or *marbled* extra.
And I tried, but I experienced a complete failure. How much is needed for one tuil? Can be stored for 2-3 days! Thanks