8-9 peppers
1 zucchini
1 small eggplant
1.4 kg of cooked beans (2 jar)
120-130 ml sunflower oil
1 onion
1 carrot
1 tbsp paprika dried savory, salt

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Cut eggplant into 2 pieces lengthwise. Engravings by boat, salting (including pieces from the inside). Cut the zucchini in the same way. Carve and cut core in small pieces. Gutting peppers. Slice the onion and carrot finely. In a suitable container, fry the onion and carrot in half sunflower oil. Wash the core of eggplants, chopped and put to already pozaparzhenite onion and carrot. Add the core of the zucchini and mix. Fry until slightly red onion and soften eggplant pieces. Squeezed the water bean mash (not puree and leave pieces of beans). Already fried vegetables to put the beans and stir continuously until homogenization and browning of the mixture (about 6-7 minutes). We remove from the heat. In another court warming up the remaining amount sunflower oil. First put dry savory and immediately thereafter paprika. Stir for a second and this mixture immediately pour the bean mixture. Turn off the heat and back again beans. While stirring over the entire amount new sunflower oil (this with savory and paprika). Add salt to taste. With the prepared mixes Full vegetables (such as eggplants are drained better than black or juice are washing). Redim peppers, eggplants and courgettes in a greased with sunflower oil pan, pour a little sunflower oil and top (focus on eggplants) and put in preheated oven. Bake until ready vegetables.
1 user
Elti, bravo for delicious recipes and irresistible eye images. Goes to favorites.
Thank you. I do not believe there is a housewife that is not cooked peppers and beans (although the classic is the dried peppers). See eggplant and zucchini are something new (at least to me). Personally I like and I decided to share the recipe, which is my idea. Will be glad if you like.
I am not never cooked peppers and beans (shame), but in my posting on his performance at've written that do not know how Bulgarian cuisine ... The recipe I like least is laborious May, but it seems worth the time.
It is not difficult. If you've used the cooked beans, like me, for a maximum of 30 minutes to prepare the dish. Then baking is a separate (but not much). Jump surprised me with the recognition that not cooked peppers with beans - I think we need to try (worth).
Even before I finish reading the recipe to end go to Favorites. Bravo for the idea! I do peppers stuffed with beans, but that option did not I know. Rally, did not labor intensive. Courage is!
And here I forgot to evaluate!
Again a great recipe. And pictures no words:-) Elti Bravo!
I made the recipe lazy option. Zaparzhih chopped peppers, then put the onion and carrot. Then I added sliced zucchini (I had eggplant and went without him). Finally put Mash beans, spices and about 2s.l. ketchup. Became a sort of fried beans. Missed time with paprika.
recipe is absolutely unique -tolkova tasty that my friend once said, *Tomorrow, I want from this*
gr1m1ty, you sweet. I am happy that you liked the recipe. We also adore her.