# For the yellow mixture:
2 egg yolks +4
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
3 tbsp water
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 vanilla
# For white mixture:
4 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 vanilla
# Extra:
6 tbsp cocoa powder
powdered sugar for sprinkling

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Yellow: A Beat, egg yolks, whole eggs and sugar until white. Add, flour, water, the oil and vanilla. White mixture: In a separate pot, sugar and egg whites are broken down into hard snow. Add, flour, water, the oil and vanilla. In a greased and floured cake shape with a diameter 18 cm first pour 1/3 of the yellow mixture. On it, with the aid of a sieve or strainer, is dusted uniformly cocoa, about 1 mm thick layer. On cocoa, put carefully all white mixture equilibrated with a spoon and again dusted cocoa 1 mm. Finally, the form is poured into the remaining quantity of yellow mixture. Bake in preheated oven bottom wire of 180 C, after swelling, includes hot wire and so until ready. Dusted with powdered sugar. * Total cake using 6 eggs - 2 and 4 of them go into the yellow yolk mixture, remaining 4 egg whites go into the white mixture.
8 users
Well, it is better. But do not you first pour 1/2, not 1/3 of the yellow mixture?
Given that the bottom cakes my form is more closely if you pour 1/2 of the yellow mixture, the other half is not enough to cover the white mixture. The upper mold part extends though. Even the photo shows that I put more than one third.
Thank you for the clarification. I am left with nothing but to write to Favorites and do it. :)
I forgot to put the assessment and add that cake looks wonderful.
greased cake form you fat and floured you?
Mine is a Teflon coating, sometimes daub it with oil sometime forget. But it is better to bake. If coverage is another greased and nabrashnyavaneto are required.
cake is great. Bravo!
I am very happy when someone manages to do better than the first time. I ... is poizlozhih ... in the beginning.
cake is really incredible! I usually add sugar and then namaznyavaneto form of oil and karamelizira- becomes crispy crust;)
Mmmm, great idea! But how do you stick sugar on the walls of the form, or it should be Teflon-coated?
For the holiday two prepared cake. Added to the yellow mixture orange peel and the white raisins. Great recipe we like!
must have been great. perunika, drop images, if you managed to shoot ... Tomorrow I plan to do it and will take your idea. Thanks, that share it!
I prepare exactly the same cake, but use ground walnuts instead of cocoa. Becomes very tasty!
very well received. Great for holidays and weekdays.
In a first attempt the white mixture to obtain a liquid of yellow, and thereafter the second layer is mixed with the first one. How to avoid it? I guess it matters in what sequence of flour and add the other ingredients to beaten eggs.
ground walnuts added to cocoa became great! Thanks for the recipe, definitely going to favorites :)
Great recipe, very nice :)
Thanks for the recipe! Cake became great the first time I perunika as I added orange peels. I will try to get pictures.
cake is great. I do it several times, and although the patterns I never received as the picture becomes very tasty.