250 g of raw sesame
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
5 tbsp sunflower oil
1 and 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1-2 tbsp lemon juice (you can without it)

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All products are mixed in a bowl, stirring with a spoon in hand, to give a thick sticky dough. Prepare a tray littered with baking paper. With wet hands make the dough balls. Arranged in the tray off because shows bleeding in baking. The drought is 15-20 minutes at 180C. Should be almost white, and not to roast. There are about 35-40
2 users
xenia -
I love sesame. Record them and will soon prepare. Image is very tempting.
Very interesting recipe! Beautiful picture!
really are amazing! As the author says: you eat one, you can not stop until you do! So get in the house!
love sesame will try them goes to favorites.
Cookies are delicious, made half a dose to test them, I used sesame oil for the holidays will make all dose marvelous are easy to prepare and most importantly delicious! Thank xenia and mimsi that share it with us!
mimsi, flowers, great photos and enticing biscuits!
And when you are very well received flowers! Great, are not they ?! :)
These cookies seem to me quite delicious sesame-love. Wrote to waiting in line. Thanks for shared recipe!
made biscuits. Were very tasty, but not raztekoha cooks. Slightly surpassed, but remained squat away from the flat, round biscuit in the picture. Also, when mixed product 5c. l. oil came less and increased the oil 7 with. l .. Whether this is the reason for my failure?
Karra, how considers that oil is a bit :) To reduce the spilled flour, perhaps your cup has a large capacity.