1 egg white
5-8 tbsp caster sugar
a few drops of lemon juice
paint for cookies and pearls
cocoa (of your choice)

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Egg whites, sugar and lemon juice is broken of thick cream (this is achieved with a lot of sugar and a little lemon juice). For greater diversity in the part of the mixture is added to cocoa and then on baking paper with a thin spray or conventional paper cone shape small snowflakes. The secret is, the flakes are small, and the form to be maximally simple, so as not to be broken off and then ends. Then leave in a warm tray or put briefly in slightly heated oven. When snowflakes are completely dry, peel off very carefully and harvested storage box which is not sealed. In the moment before held the cup of coffee or cocoa, put it - snow decoration. Can be shaped yellow moon or stars, green leaves, red hearts. Can be used to decorate cakes.
0 users
I really like the idea :) Especially proposal at the end of the recipe - for the hearts, leaves .. :) Chudesnii
Really amazing idea Vesi! Ahh, Rossi heart is your trademark! I can not is great as it is heart: P
mimsi: P You're right, that's true :) Heart is my favorite figure:]
Well done, very original decoration, but at the same time and easy to implement.
is Super! BRAVO!
are interesting :)
very gentle but such patience just that I
Great idea! Will try them soon!