220 g flour
20 g fresh yeast
80 g butter
60 ml milk
80 g sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp rum
vanilla, lemon zest, a pinch of salt
50 g raisins
50 ml rum

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In the warm milk dissolve yeast and let it rise. Sift the flour, make a well in center and add the milk with yeast, beaten eggs with sugar, soft butter, vanilla, grated lemon zest, rum and a pinch of salt. Stir with a spoon until homogeneous. A thick cake batter. Allow to rise for about 30 minutes. Then there was added macerated raisins in rum and mix again. In forms for muffins using a spoon partitioned dough. The forms are filled to half. Rises again about 15 minutes. Bake at 180 C
7 users
This is the original recipe. I did a double dose and came out 15 pcs muffins. Do not put raisins and sprinkled on top the muffins with brown sugar and put walnut. Were very tasty, soft and fragrant. Thank the author of the idea.
:) I tried this recipe and muffins were received great!
This recipe needs to be done. Look very appetizing;)
tomorrow will try :)
Became amazing! Easy and delicious recipe :)
for a long time and invite this recipe, but today I order muffins! I am very pleased with the end result! Prepared a double dose as yeast that I had was only 20 grams, therefore put only 390 g flour (3 h. H) other products have doubled! Came almost 30 mafinki! We are pleased to share photos recipe!
The only thing that changed is that I put 100 instead of 80g of sugar. Blew three times, many are easy to prepare, delicious!
From this dose how many muffins go?
Well that dose me out this Caetano is pictured. Three small cakes are custard cups. :) I filled them 1/3 and filled kafichkata.
Easy and delicious! :)
muffins were very good. I used dried cranberries and 10 minutes before ready coated them with beaten egg yolk and sprinkled with brown sugar.
interesting recipe thanks. Here is my result, I missed only rum!