2 chicken legs
1 and 1/2 cup rice
1 cube chicken broth
3-4 tbsp sunflower oil
pepper and salt

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Put lightly salted water in a saucepan to boil. Divide the legs of shoulder and lower leg (dzhopanche) and put them into boiling water to boil them for 10-15 moments. Remove them and set aside. Wash the rice, drain its water, put 2 tbsp salt accumulation and good hand, rinse with cold water until the water is clear and leave to drain (I have a special wire strainer for this purpose). In a pan heat the oil and put the rice to fry, stirring constantly. Fry until until translucent and lightly turn pink. Remove from heat and pour into baking dish suitable for oven (aluminum). Add some black pepper or ground to taste and optional. Arrange chicken on top. Put the bottom BBQ in the pan and place the pan inside. Dilute cube chicken broth 4 and 1/2 cup broth in which chicken is boiling and pour over rice. Try and if necessary Salt. Turn oven for 20 minutes of 225S, and then 30 minutes at 200C and finish cooking the dish. Remove pan from oven and wrap a towel to dozadushi. Wishing Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley. * The technology of washing frying rice and use it for 20 years - so the rice becomes friable and do not stick together and pulps. However, if you love Muffler rice Prepare it your way.
1 user
how appetizing, favorite meal in floor plans
Can you prepare this dish directly into the halogen oven, without using the pan?
I think it is very appropriate to make straight in the pan on the oven, because it is quite large and then it will be difficult to preserve eating if you stay. Besides, I have a lot to rub then to wash. Aluminum foil baking pans are very comfortable, but it and others - of Jena glass, Teflon, plain important thing here is to gather baking pan in the oven. Otherwise, the recipe is very nice, rice remains juicy and not dry in normal oven. I have not tried this option with rubbing rice, but it looks interesting.
Ivka not know, but if you try and then write ..
What is the diameter of your baking pans of alum. foil? Those found in Kaufland, but little came golemichki.
Ivka I use exactly those of Kaufland, I took your 20 pieces, but can honestly say one pan you use it 3-4 times (bayganyuvshtina) Apparently your oven is a small ..