4-5 small boiled potatoes
2-3 peppers
150 g of ham or sausage soft (skinless sausages)
40 g of cheese or feta cheese
2 eggs
1 tbsp sunflower oil
spices to taste - thyme, savory, oregano, parsley
pepper, salt

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Cut the cooked potatoes into small pieces. In a pan put the oil and fry the potatoes until golden. Put them in a deep bowl and add them to other products, also finely chopped. Season with herbs, salt and pepper and add the eggs. Stir the mixture well. Put the pan in which you fried potatoes again the fire to warm, pour half the mixture Spread it lightly on the entire bottom of the pan and reduce the heat. When eggs are firm and white set top tortilla is ready for conversion. Sliding door on a suitable plate or cover, sandwiching the top of the pan and invert. Bake for 5 minutes. Similarly bake and second tortilla with remaining mixture. Serve with appropriate garnish. * Do not use a spatula for flipping and extraction of tortilla because it will break up - all by sliding and turning. * For 2 servings.
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