1 liter of fresh milk
6-7 eggs
500 g sugar
1-2 vanilla
biscuits (as are bowls)
200-300 g of sugar (for caramelization)

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Eggs Rabbit with a mixer in a large bowl. During this time, the milk is boiled. After the boil aside and add sugar to it with gentle stirring, in order to melt until it is cool. While cooled milk can be caramelized sugar. When caramelized sugar is distributed in bowls and top put on a cookie (I personally use coffee cookies, but maybe others). Then when the milk has cooled enough is added gradually and stirring constantly to beaten eggs. Stir until the products are mixed well. Finally, add the vanilla and stir the mixture again. The mixture was then partitioned in bowls, and then the bowls are arranged on a tray which was filled half with water and put to bake. Bake about 200-220C until ready. If you think that the cream is baked enough top down but not ready can cover with foil. * Even when pouring the mixture into kupchkite cookies to rise to the surface is not terrible.
1 user
Chuesna MIGHT! :)
I added roasted pumpkin and blend became custard with pumpkin and cookie :)
I'll try and I pumpkin. :)