20 g yeast (half cube)
150-200 g sugar
150 g yogurt
50 ml milk
80 g fat (sunflower oil, lard, butter)
3 eggs
grated rind of 1 lemon
pinch of salt
600 g flour (maybe a little more)
raisins, rum

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Yeast suspended in warmed milk with 1 tbsp sugar and a little flour. Leave to rise. During this time, beaten eggs (1 egg yolk separated spreads) and sugar, and empty the container of the machine (can not intervene and hand). Add yogurt, flour and yeast mixture. Run a program mixing and add a little of the remaining flour. Then turn on again kneading and add a little fat-like leave little shape. After this cycle leave little to rest and play again kneading and now add the grated zest. Then leave again to rise. After souring formed the kozunak, add raisins, may be pre-soaked in rum. Leave to rise again, smeared after having risen with egg yolk and a little milk, sprinkle with sugar and bake. I bake at 180 degrees.
2 users
Very nice shallow! How are you doing?
This is knitting with 4 wick.
Can it be kneaded by hand, no baking.
Of course I can, but for me it is easier! :)
Today I arrived bakery and make this cake is so tasty :) I hope I will let successful and photos.
GaliaR, machine bread you bake the cake or it and in the oven?
Pavel, I just knead the dough in the bread machine, and then work down and seal it in the oven.
The recipe is very accurate and Cozonac was very tasty. I found no difference in taste between this and the other, which is milk. I have not used the machine for bread, but ... *hands hey, hey them two ...* :)))
A delicious cake I'd never managed to do. I also Messi hand, but I divided the dough into two did and roll with chocolate :) but I could not photograph him that it izpapkaha home until I knew :).
I am very glad that they have received your cakes!