850 g canned peas
3 small onions
2 carrots
1 pepper (green, red)
200 g chicken
100 ml tomato sauce
1 tbsp chopped dill
3 small potatoes
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp salt colorful
1 tsp savory

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If the meat is home Boil until ready in advance and placed with spices, if store-bought, it is faster and can be put into the pot with vegetables at the beginning of cooking. In a saucepan put liking chopped onion, carrot, pepper and potato chunks. Pour some water and sunflower oil, enough to cover the bottom of the pan. When a boil, stirring until the fat remains. Pour the broth, which is boil the chicken (if you have one, if not, poured water) at least three fingers to cover the mixture. Put 1 tbsp sweet paprika. When the mixture boils put a calf and a mushroom broth. When the potatoes and carrots are ready add the peas (canned peas because honor is ready for consumption) and meat. Insert the dill, salt, savory, salt and dappled can one spoon of granulated universal spice. After no more than 10 minutes add tomato juice (depending on the taste that likes a yogurt to put a larger quantity). If your stew is very rare before adding the tomatoes, they mix a spoonful of flour, if you add a thick chicken broth or water.
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