300-400 g pork
3 onions
1.5 - 2 liters cabbage juice
handful of vermicelli
sheet sour cabbage
1 tbsp Tharos (tarragon)

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The meat is cut small bites and boils. Broth strain, put in a saucepan on the stove cabbage juice, chopped onion and chopped cabbage leaf. When tender put meat and noodles. Finally put Tharos.
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What is this Tharos? For the first time I hear in our region can be known by another name.
Tharos is another name for tarragon. Used in dishes with meat, eggs and far as I know in pasta.
I liked a lot of the recipe, I never put in zelentse sour soup! Give me a good idea Reni! Bravo!
Great soup, will cook these days and will let the picture :)
Great soup for winter! At home all love her and I often do you prepare, however, mestse and broth of pork. And finally - opukana hot stove dry chili pepper.