750 g pork
1/2 cup (100 g) pork lard
1,5 kg sauerkraut
1-2 heads (100 g) onion
1 tsp (5 g) red pepper
4-5 chili peppers

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The meat is washed , cut into large pieces and fry in some of the fat, then remove. In the same oil fry gently chopped onion. Add red pepper and return the meat. Pour hot water and boil on medium heat. Cabbage cleaned of solids and cut into thin strips or skaltsva with chopper, pour in the pan along with the rest of the oil and stew in the oven until soft. Then add the boiled meat and pepper peppers. The dish is placed back in the oven and bake until ready. Serve with crushed pepper.
4 users
meal would be delicious without onions!
Nonsense dish is very tasty just the onion! Matter of preference! Try delicious is :)
Super cools ribs I put their rice too.
Traditional and tasty dish!
to cook sauerkraut with onions kormid po4ti is sacrilege, and boiled pork. Or leek (leek, pig) or nothing! And the only spice for cooking sauerkraut is stalks dried fenugreek (4imen, Greek hay) and grains allspice, pepper 4erniya is only for presentation of the finished dish! Of course vsi4ki a matter of predpo4itanie and philosophy! ;-)
Strachota yummy!