500 g flour
250 ml warm milk
125 g butter
2 eggs
2 tbsp sugar (at least)
40 g fresh yeast or 2 packets of dry
# Optional:
raisins or
crushed nuts and / or
1 tsp ground cardamom or
or vanilla
cinnamon, ginger, ground coriander seeds (a pinch of each)

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Fresh yeast is diluted in a little of the warm milk, a pinch of sugar and spoon flour. Leave to rise. If you use dry yeast, mix it with the flour. The butter is melted and added to the milk, add sugar and (I put 1/2 cup). If you will put spices put in milk (I put vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ginger, maybe nutmeg). Separately, two broken eggs. Separated few spreads. The milk was poured into the flour and kneaded dough, which should be soft and like kozunakto. When the dough is mixed, add the raisins (or nuts) and eggs and doomesva. Allow to rise until doubled in volume, it takes about an hour in the oven at 40C degrees. From the dough balls are formed as egg or larger, smeared with egg, if they are nuts, and sprinkle a little on top, and bake at 180C degrees for about 20 minutes. Eating is still hot - but cooled down and are very tasty. * Veche small rolls that are sold and eaten hot / warm, it means their name - hot bread for awakening ( heiß-hot and wecken-awakening). Veche are roast, which the Germans do pap - flooding them with warm milk and melted butter. Naturally can be eaten and spread like bread, with butter and jam, for example, or topped with whipped cream, as in Sweden, where they say hedvägg. Their English equivalents are Hot cross buns.
0 users
No way will necessarily try! :) Rally, sounds great recipe!
iris, really are very tasty and worth to be made. Moreover, they are very easy! I'll be glad if you try to say what you believe :)
Rally, congratulations for appetizing recipe and beautifully decorated pictures!
Villas, thank you :)