Zander plates sauce

Submitted by enr on 29 Mar 2012
1 kg zander
5 onions and carrots 2
3-4 cloves garlic
150 ml sunflower oil
1 egg
1 cup yogurt
50 g flour
salt and black pepper
2-3 bay leaves
3-4 Allspice
1 lemon
Zander plates sauce
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The fish is cut into pieces, add salt and pour freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is good to stand for half an hour in the refrigerator so. Onions and carrots are cut and fried in a highly heated sunflower oil. Add salt, pepper, allspice, bay leaf and crushed garlic. Make a little water and the mixture was transferred to a tray. Top arrange the pieces zander and put to bake in a preheated oven. Immediately prior to the exclusion of the oven egg mix with yogurt and flour the fish and pour this mixture. Allow to brown, golden tan to a topping. Serve sprinkled with chopped green onion and lemon slices stacked.
1 user
29 Mar 2012
Source BF% D0% BB% D0% B0% D0% BA% D0


It looks very tasty, but 150ml oil will not become quite maznichko?

I do not think that will get fat because the recipe is for 1 kg fish and 5 onions - ie a larger amount may be reduced to 100ml if less quantity.

Thanks for the fast reply soon will try this yummy

Yesterday I decided to cook fish in this recipe and get a great meal. All liked it. Thank you!