3-4 eggs
3-4 tbsp sugar
1 cup yogurt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
vanilla powder
2 tbsp brandy (alcohol put it in the dough not to take much oil when frying)
2 and 1/2 cup flour (may take a little longer depend on flour)
sunflower oil for frying

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In this sequence, in which the products are listed thick dough is mixed and allowed to stand for 10-ish moments. At that time becomes heated in a deep pan larger amount sunflower oil, to be able to swim or buhtichkite used fryer. Before frying the fire reduced to medium. Using a teaspoon of dough is placed in the oil bath. Buhtichkite inflate as balls and turn themselves after golden brown on one side. If you start in the oil to burst, to go raw dough and take shapes, you have a little more flour if the inside remains raw, after the outside are red - or very high heat, or thick dough. Remove with latticed spoon on kitchen paper that absorbs excess fat. Serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar, honey or flights with topping optional.
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